Recent (and historical) updates about the MH development.
Recent (and historical) updates about the MH development.
I just made public a new project: NUX, a kernel prototyping framework.
NUX is a set of tools aimed at quickly building custom kernels and their userspace. It supports modern hardware (AMD64, RISCV64) and it is extremely portable to new architectures.
A longer introduction to NUX is here.
For more information, visit the NUX project website.
The MH development repository has moved from to
Now that we have multiple external projects, like rumprun-mrg, and a strong interest in adding more ports for the mh userspace, it make sense to have a place to have all MH related code.
Also, the toolchain has been separated from the source code, and must be built separately. More information at
The Murgia Hack System has been presented once again in the FOSDEM microkernel devroom. The talk contains updates about the project, and more in depth look at the kernel, its device-based architecture. It also introduces the recent effort to use rump kernels not only for the kernel modules, but also to run natively the rumprun unikernels.
Slides are here. If you want to watch the full presentation, you can watch it on YouTube.